Singing Sensation George Gill Live Performance Next Door Bar Albrighton

Singing Sensation George Gill Live Performance Next Door Bar Albrighton

Venue: Next Door bar 11 Station Road WV7 3QH

Date: 11 September 2:30pm

Singing Sensation George Gill Live Performance Next Door Bar Albrighton

I have had the pleasure of working with George Gill’s vocals. I often refer to his captivating voice as: ‘ideal driving music.’ George’s voice is fresh, different, and in his own way he as a unique vocal signature.

His ability to transform the songs that he sings and makes them his own is quite incomparable. His dulcet tone, with a rich mellow quality is outstanding and you really can’t get enough of listening too!

My prediction? Watch this space! This young man will go as far as he wants. He is talented, humble and always will to challenge himself to improve. I am looking forward to helping George record an album and will help him promote it.

At the moment George Gill he is doing the right thing, and that is to get himself heard as much as possible.

You are guaranteed a good and honest heart-felt performance.

If you want to contact him for hiring please email me and I will pass on the details for you:

Email: Mobile: 07507486532